Hello Darkness… My Old Friend…

Ayyeyeeeee!!!! Welcome to the dark side! We have cookies!!!

Disclaimer… there are no cookies here buuuttt I think I should do that set someday soon hahaha

Anyways let’s get into the halloween set for this year! This set was honestly such a whim and im so grateful I did because these are some of the most playfully sexy photos I've taken of myself yet! And I am so fucking here for it!

Everything in this set just kind of came together and I am seriously so in love with the images!

For my halloween outfit I have never really dressed or played the rule of the school girl and being able to put my spin on it was honestly so much fun!

The shirt and skirt is from amazon and the lingerie is from Backroom Boutique and the socks and my earings are from Spirit.

There is always a fine line between halloween sessions that are sexy and sessions that are cheesy. My biggest goal is honestly just not to make it look cheesy lol and im so grateful these turned out at sexy as they did! Hope you enjoyed this set!


I’m Like In My Sensual Energy Right Now…


Chill Out Cassie…