To Self Care Or Not To Self Care…

That’s the real question right… the hardest thing sometimes but the most important thing. Putting yourself first somewhere in your life. As parents and spouses it may be a little more difficult but even more crucial to your mental and emotional health. And let me say… Putting yourself first is not selfish.

Everyone needs that basic time to themselves, where they can reconnect with who they are and re ground themselves. There are so many outside sources of energy that we interact with daily that we need that time to get back to ourselves and our energy. I did that today. It has honestly been a self care weekend. And yes… all the while having all 4 of my kids. Where there is a Cassie there is a way lol and what I really mean is they sat in front of the tv all weekend hahahaha just kidding lol they really didn’t. Self care looks differently to each individual but for me that’s doing something that I genuinely love to do. And I’ve just been doing that all weekend. Last night I baked a German Chocolate Cake and OMG it was amazing. But I made it because I felt inspired, I wanted to create something for myself and my kids.

Even today, I spent some time sealing some driftwood I found in Santa Cruz last month… And just day dreaming of what I am going to create with each one! Then I took care of my clothes… I swear laundry is the one thing that while I love doing it, I rarely ever am on top of it. So again, taking care of my basic necessities while also it being a choice to take care of myself… and while my youngest took his nap I took the most cleansing and scrubbed and shaved and honestly it was amazing and well needed… lol my legs were looking pretty scary hahaha

Now as im writing this im laying in bed listening to tiktoks with my foot mask on because bitch… These are literally necessary for all self care days. And those little gold things that go under your eyes haha dont ask me what they’re called because I already threw the box away…. And if we’re being honest writing this is also self care. Taking the time to express myself wholly as myself is self care.

Self care doesn’t have to be a one thing thing. Self care can be little things throughout your day, that’s what I try to do anyways. So go forth and put yourself first and do something for yourself… I’m going to go read my dirty book til I get these feet masks off and then go take pictures of everything I wrote about hahah byyeeee


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